Spanish Alphabet

Octobre 23, 2018 in
Spanish Alphabet

Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation: Vowels

a like the a in father
e for a syllable ending in a vowel, like the e in they
for a syllable ending in a consonant, like the e in set
i like the i in machine
o for a syllable ending in a vowel, like the o in vote
for a syllable ending in a consonant, like the o in spot
u like the oo in too
silent after q and in the groups gue and gui
y when used as a vowel, pronounced like Spanish i

Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation: Consonants

b, v at the beginning of a word or following a consonant, like the b in body
otherwise, a sound crossed between the English b and v sounds
c before a consonant or a, o, u like the c in cave
before e or i, like the s in silver 
*in Spain, the c before e or i is often lisped like the th in this
ch like the ch in child
d like the d in dark
between vowels and following l or n, pronounced like the th in there
f like the f in flower
g before e or i like the Spanish j (English "h" sound) 
otherwise, like the g in get
h silent
j like an h but stronger
Almost silent at the end of a word
k like the k in kid
l like the in leave
ll like the y in you
m like the m in maze
n like the n in navy
ñ like the sound of the ni in onion
p like the p in pain
q like a k, and always followed by a silent u

pronounced with a strong trill ("rolling an r") at the beginning of a word and after an l, n or s
minimal trill at the end of the word
medium trill for other positions

s like the in zebra before consonants b, d, g, l, m, n
otherwise, like the s in simple
t like the t in terror
v same as b
w usually like a v
x like the x in fox when between vowels 
like an s before consonant
y like the y in yellow
z like an 
*in Spain, the z is often lisped like the th in feather

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